The Global Political Economy Project (GPEP) is an initiative based at the Mortara Center for International Studies at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. Led by Professors Abraham Newman and Kathleen McNamara, its goal is to recast the study of political economy in a global light, focusing on how global markets shape peoples’ lives and identifying how globalization might be harnessed for the greater good. In particular, it seeks to encourage innovate work in comparative and international political economy that moves past a focus on market openness as an end in and of itself. GPEP supports work on how global markets are shaped and shape ecological sustainability, inequality, cultural identities, digital technologies, power dynamics in global networks, as well as new forms of governance structures. To do this, GPEP activities are based around three pillars – ideas, infrastructure, and dissemination. GPEP is supported by the Open Society Foundation’s Economic Justice Program.

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